Career Developement Plan

Assalamualaikum and Hye guys! Today I'm want to talk about my career developement plan in long and short term. So currently I further my studies in University Pendidikan Sultan Idris in ISMP Kimia dengan Kepujian in about 4 years.In 2022 Insyallah I'll will finished my study and try to get job as a teacher in my hometown area or somewhere else.I also planned to get involve in Non Government Oganization(NGO) which is National Autisme Society of Malaysia (NASOM) because to help my sister and also others improve 
their developement and reduce the systoms of autisme in their lifespan.

Furthermore, I also planned that I will continue my studies for Masters but at the same time i work as a teacher and it called Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ).This is because I know that I should get a job and money first before continue my studies.For me job and money I put it as my first priority to help my family first then when I have stable job and my financal issue ofcourse I will continue my Masters as well.Although it looks quite hard to have a stable job now a days but I will try my best because I'm doing it not because of myself for my family and my youngest sister.I know that they need me at most as I'm the elderst among my siblings.So pray for me that I will achieve my goals and yours too! Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 

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