Class Reflection 1

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Assalamualaikum guys,today i would give you my class reflection about what i've learn in my SKI3013 class.So basically,SKI 3013 is stands for Informationa and Communication Technology in Chemistry. My SKI 3013 lecturer is Puan Hajah Asmayati Binti Yahya.At first,I am clueless,why should us learn ICT that are not related to our course but in the end i find out ICT are very useful for teachers to help them teaching in the class.So here's a few of the importance of ICT for future teachers like us.....

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After that,out lecturer gives us out assignment guideline,There are total 5 assignment that we should did in this semester but mostly we should do it in a group such as promoting product,peer-teaching,infusign ICT in lesson and developing teaching material.Thats all for our first class it more about introduce what is SKI is and briefing about our 5 assignment.

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