Class Reflection 7

HYE ASSLAMAUALAIKUM EVERRYONE! This time we learnt 2 software which are Prezi and Plickers.Do you guys know about that? yeah me too >< We started ou class with Prezi first since Prezi is about on how making online powerpoint.At first i really love the templates in this software and the design are also interesting.So i found that one will help me in doing my group assignment since it just an online powerpoint.It will be easier for me and my group member to access it anytime.This is my slideshow that ive created in the class today.
The second one is about Plickers.It is really fun i do enjoyed my lessons in Plickers because we just have to hold our papers that are given.We are given paper that have our own code so if we want to answer the question we just have to hold the paper to get scan! interesting isnt?! No need to stress about slow internet when answering online test or quiz.